Hands typing on a keyboard with computer coding imagery overlaid

Information Technology Certificate Programs (Online)

通过太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的在线IT证书课程,开始职业生涯或提高您的信息技术(IT)技能. 了解云计算、操作系统、网络安全等. 您可以在一年或更短的时间内完成我们的每个在线证书课程:

  • 网络安全 Support Certificate
  • Information Technology Support Certificate
  • Network Support Certificate

Have a busy schedule? 你可以在四周的时间内完成每门在线课程,一次专注于一门课,并且仍然按时完成. 加入IT领域或通过在SJC注册信息技术证书课程来提升你的职业生涯!

Why Study Information Technology?

你对最新的计算机软件感兴趣吗?你喜欢解决问题吗? 然后考虑加入重要且快速发展的信息技术(IT)领域.

“信息技术”包括计算机硬件、软件和网络. 通过学习资讯科技,你将获得以下方面的知识和技能:

  • 云计算
  • Computer systems
  • 网络安全
  • 数据库
  • Operating systems
  • Programming languages

Your certificate helps you gain expertise in a specific IT field. If you are looking to join the field, it can help you land an entry-level job in a short amount of time. 如果你已经在IT行业工作,你可以提高你的技能,这有助于你的职业发展. Because of their many applications, your IT skills will be in high demand across many industries, from healthcare to finance to technology.


Three IT Certificate Program Options

SJC提供三个证书,重点是建立信息技术技能. 每个课程都有不同的重点和长度,所以你可以选择你最感兴趣的一个.

  • 网络安全 Support Certificate: Get hands-on experience in various computer security areas, such as data integrity and disaster recovery.
  • Information Technology Support Certificate: Learn and apply core IT knowledge and skills, including hardware, 软件, 数据库, and cloud computing.
  • Network Support Certificate为使用微软电脑从事计算机网络工作做准备. Learn how to set up Microsoft computers, manage a Windows server, troubleshoot 软件 issues, 和更多的.

Want to learn more? SJC可以很容易地将证书上的学分转换为我们的信息技术应用科学副学士学位. 通过获得学位,你将增加你的工作机会,并有资格获得更高的薪水.

Flexible Online IT Program

在SJC的在线IT证书课程中选择适合你的课程. We offer most courses in four-week sessions, and you'll log in at night so you can work during the day. 如果你不能参加班会,我们甚至会提供录音. Because we offer courses each month, you can start an IT certificate program whenever you're ready, whether in the fall, 春天, 或夏天. Our faculty and staff are here to help you succeed!

IT Certificate Program Benefits

我们努力为SJC学生提供相关课程和实践经验,为他们成功的IT职业生涯做好准备. 我们的课程提供额外津贴,以确保您拥有成功所需的所有工具和知识. 它们包括:

  • Free Books and SoftwareSJC涵盖了许多信息技术证书课程的书籍和软件的费用. 注意:您可能需要为非it类购买自己的书籍和用品.
  • Computer Upgrade:用SJC的礼品卡购买升级电脑的组件.
  • Certification Exam Vouchers您将收到凭证,这样您就可以免费参加IT认证考试.
  • Membership to ACM (Association of Computing Machinery): Gain membership to ACM, the world's largest computing society. You'll access free training, books, videos, 和更多的.
  • LinkedIn Learning:获得专家指导的培训和学习机会,帮助你的职业发展.
  • Microsoft Azure Developer Tools for Teaching*学习使用专业的开发工具和软件来制作游戏, 应用程序, and websites at no cost.
  • TestOut LabSim: Practice your skills using LabSim's IT simulations. Free for SJC IT students.

CompTIA Academic Partner

CompTIA是一个领先的IT行业协会,为认证制定行业标准. SJC is a CompTIA Academic Partner, 这意味着我们符合最高的行业标准,并根据最新的趋势和技术进行教学. Our program prepares you to earn CompTIA certifications:

  • CompTIA IT Fundamentals
  • CompTIA A+ Hardware
  • CompTIA A+ Operating Systems
  • CompTIA Network+
  • CompTIA 安全+

Once you earn CompTIA's certifications, 你会向雇主展示你有资格胜任IT工作,并启动你的职业生涯.

Affordable Online IT Certificate Option

SJC的 low tuition rates and the increasing need for IT workers, 获得SJC的信息技术在线证书对你来说是一项伟大的投资. 通过我们的在线课程快速有效地学习,并获得所需的支持. You may also qualify to get your degree tuition-free through the NM Opportunity and Lottery Scholarships


学习信息技术的基础知识,并在您感兴趣的领域获得SJC的在线证书课程之一的培训. 获得硬件,软件工具和模拟的实践经验. 你将准备好获得证明你的知识和技能的CompTIA和微软认证.

Be ready for a job in cybersecurity with this certificate program. 您将通过以下主题学习如何保护计算机系统免受潜在威胁:

  • 业务 continuity
  • Computer system design
  • Contingency planning
  • 数据完整性
  • Disaster recovery
  • Risk assessment and mitigation techniques
  • 安全 investigation
  • 故障排除



网络安全 Support Certificate Curriculum

获得企业和政府使用的核心IT知识和技术支持技能. Take courses in:

  • 云计算
  • 数据库
  • Hardware and 软件
  • 网络
  • 安全



Information Technology Support Certificate Curriculum

了解计算机网络领域,这样你就可以帮助企业和消费者保持联系. 学习如何:

  • Implement and manage a network infrastructure
  • Install, configure, and administer Microsoft computers
  • Maintain Microsoft Windows servers
  • Troubleshoot PC 软件 issues and network connectivity problems



Network Support Certificate Curriculum

Transfer Options for IT Certificate Graduates

继续你的教育,在SJC获得信息技术副学士学位. 您的证书课程将转移到信息技术AAS,因此您不必重复任何课程. Talk to your advisor for more information.

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Careers and Outcomes

By completing one of SJC's online IT certificate programs, 你将准备开始或推进你在信息技术领域的职业生涯. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 从2021年到2031年,计算机和信息技术行业的就业人数将增长15%. 这比所有职业的平均水平要快得多,这意味着你的技能需求量很大.

Be ready to enter the IT field as a:

  • 网络安全 specialist
  • Information technology specialist
  • Network support specialist


  • City of Farmington
  • 英特尔
  • Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Sandia National Laboratories


报名参加我们的在线信息技术证书课程之一, you must first apply to San Juan College. It's easy, and you can apply online at any time!


If you are already a student at San Juan College, 与您的顾问讨论我们的在线IT证书和您的转学选择.

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West Classroom Complex,

m - f8a.m. - 5 p.m.

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